mercredi 26 janvier 2011

Aliens in America 2nd part

Ok, you know that nightmare where you’re standing in front of your whole school naked, well that was what rajah was going through only it was worst because Rajah was wearing a shalwar khamiz.
 The teacher: Class, today I'm gonna put aside our lesson because we have a special guest.
           For one year, we will be in the presence of a real live Pakistani who practices muslimism.
            That means we have the opportunity to learn about his culture and he about ours.

Un invité:______________________
Faire exploser:__________________
Tu dois attendre d’être interrogé
   So, let's be in a dialogue.
Raja, you are so different from us. How does that _________________?

Raja: I am not sure I _______________.
The teacher: Think about it.
             How does everyone else feel about Raja and his ________________? Yes, Tiffany.
A student: Well, I guess I feel ________. Because his people blew off the buildings in New York.

The teacher: Oh, that's good.
Raja: But that is not ____________.
The teacher: In America you have to wait until you're called on and I'd appreciate a raised hand…Now, who else is angry at Raja?
1. What is Raja’s nationality?
2. Right or wrong? Justify.                                                                R       W                  
a. The teacher wants to talk about Raja ____________________________________
b. The teacher knows a lot about Pakistani culture
c. She doesn’t let him talk.
d. The other student like Raja.

3. Why are the other students angry at Raja?

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