Fill in the blanks Good Luck
Navid – I chose you
Adrianna - What? And your family?
Navid – There are not going to stop me from doing this. You're ___________ ____.
Wait wait, this is not how it is supposed to go...
Adrianna - ________________________??
Navid - A proposal, or such a non-proposal. You know. I was going to get my great grand ma' s ring after we told my parents but things have changed. So this, is from a shop.
- I've loved you since ___________________________________________. You had this poney tail and all I wanted to do was pull it. And when you got to the 5th grade, you got your braces. Oh! Let me just say: my heart stop. But that's nothing compared to our first kiss which is bigger
than the poney tail and the braces combined.
I can't imagined _______________________________________. I want to spend _______________________________. And the rest of Abib's life. Adrianna Tate-Duncan, ________________________________________________________?
Adrianna - I want to, I love you so much. But I have to ___________________________ and I know that this might ____________________________and you might not want to marry me but I have to tell you because you _________________________.
Navid - What are you talking about??
Adrianna - The father of the baby isn't a guy from rehab. It's Ty.